MATA LA REINA, 2012 (*Post under construction*)

MATA LA REINA, 2012 (*Post under construction*)

Mata la Reina -MLR or (Kill) The Queen (Kill)- is a YOCTOBIT Game-based Experiments’ project, a mixture of a collaborative exploration game and a first person action theater, commisioned by Intermediæ-Matadero Madrid  in 2012.

Players become human tokens on  a giant hexagons board. They must collect a number of elements that form part of a “puzzle” and solve it in a collaborative way, in order to overthrow the queen. This should occur behind the queen and his droids, they shouldn’t become aware of the hatched plan.

About MATA LA REINA – (Kill) The Queen (Kill)-:
This is the game-played theater project’s plot: resistance (the players), under the vagaries of a authoritarian, self-centered and obsessed with control Queen, must prepare and execute a plan to depose the royal governess.

YOCTOBIT Game-based Experiments research group coordinated theoretical sessions and monthly presentations at Intermediæ-Matadero Madrid as part of the parallel activities programme of this project.

Photography: Jose Luis Durante
Hairdress: Titania & Oberón
Makeup: Chelo Jiménez

La resistencia (los jugadores), sometidos a las extravagancias de una Reina autoritaria, egocéntrica y obsesionada por el control, debe preparar y ejecutar un plan para deponer a la regia gobernanta. El resto de la población (el público participante) puede elegir unirse a la resitencia o permanecer espectantes a los sucesos que irán aconteciendo.

L*s jugador*s se convierten en fichas humanas sobre un gigantesco tablero de hexagonos. Deben recoger una serie de elementos que forman parte de un puzle y resolver dicho puzle entre tod*s para poder derrocar a la reina. Todo ello debe ocurrir sin que la reina ni sus droides se enteren del plan que urden.

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